Artist Application -

Application to perform

Cygnet Folk Festival

9–11 January 2026

Applications close at midnight on 11 April 2025.

Please note: You will need to upload an Artist image. The application and file upload can be done on mobile devices, but it requires a good connection with adequate bandwidth. Otherwise, it may fail. The most reliable way to complete this form is on a desktop browser with a fixed wifi connection.

Act Availability

The Festival officially starts at 6 pm on Friday, 9 January, and ends at 11 pm on Sunday, 11 January.

All acts selected are programmed across the weekend and are expected to be available for the entire festival, including possible selection in the Sunday night Director's Concert, which is programmed over the Festival weekend.

The data submitted is verified before the application is evaluated and reused elsewhere, such as your act's bio on the festival website.

We request that all text should be appropriately formatted and spell-checked to save our busy volunteer crew's time!

Please don't use ALL CAPS or all lowercase letters (except email addresses), especially with names of people, acts, and places. For example, your town eg Cygnet; the full name of your home state eg Tasmania, not Tas or TAS, Australian Capital Territory, not ACT, New South Wales, not NSW.

Before completing the form below, please read the Performer Guidelines and Information.

Thanks for taking the time to apply to play at Cygnet Folk Festival.

Please complete the following details with care and good luck from the Cygnet Folk Festival team!

Programming Enquiries

Application Form Enquiries and Technical Issues

Enter the Act name as it will appear in the festival program. Please use caps and lowercase unless your act name is meant to be all caps or all lower case, otherwise we will correct it.

Act Name *

Please indicate whether you are an agent or a performer

Applicant Role *

Please enter the agency name.

The following contact will become the Primary Contact for the Act. If you are offered a contract, it will be sent to this contact

On contracting, you will be asked to confirm the primary contact details for logistics and advancing processes.

First Name *
Last Name *
After submitting this form, you will receive an email receipt.

Please double-check your email address! If it's wrong, you'll never hear from us again!
Email *
Mobile or Phone *

Where is your act normally based?

This information must be correct as it affects the terms and conditions of contracting, accommodation and logistics.

Home Base *

Please enter the country of residence.

Country *
Use only if you live in a building or apartment complex - eg Unit 1, Ritzy Towers.
Building or Appartment Address

Enter the street address - eg 27 Easy Street

Street Address *
City *

Please enter the full spelling of your home state.

State *
Postcode *

Has your act played previously at Cygnet Folk Festival?

Select any year that applies. If you've performed before 2022, select No.

Previous Years *

Type of act

Select as many as applicable.

Type of Act *

Please tick up to 3 genres that apply to your act.

Genre *
Accapella/Choral Group
Folk Roots
Themed Presentation
Dance Band
Contemporary Folk Rock
Called Dances
Children's Act
Community Group
World Music

Called Dances

Are you potentially interested in playing for a called dance, where a caller explains what to do?

Many bands have done this for the first time at Cygnet and had a great time. We can help and have some callers if you don't.

Plenty of music played for concerts is actually great dance music, including many traditional dance tunes from various cultures and many contemporary tunes, as long as they have the right structure and tempo.

Called Dance *

Artist Pitch

This is your pitch to the festival selectors explaining why we should book your act.

Describe your live performance, musical style, experience, history, etc.

Should your act be accepted, we will ask for a 50-word bio for the program guide, pitching to the festival patrons why they should see your performance.

Artist Pitch *

Number of performers in the act

Applications will only be considered from acts that have nominated the number of performers in their line-up.

If you are applying as a solo performer, enter "1".

The data entered here needs to be a numeral. On the right of the entry field is an up/down arrow to increase or decrease the number of performers. If entering by typing, do not add any leading or trailing spaces.

The number entered here determines how many performer contacts can be added and weekend passes allocated.

Number of performers *

Please list all other performers and their roles in your act - one per line

We will collect the contact details of other performers after contracting.

Act performers

Performance Fee

This is a number field: no currency symbols, no spaces or commas.

Please enter a round number - eg 400 not 400.00.

Your requested fee should be for the entire festival, not per performance. Please quote your fee excluding GST. When considering your fee, please remember that the Cygnet Folk Festival is a small, self-funded, not-for-profit Festival run by volunteers.

Higher fees are generally required by full-time professional musicians/artists than by hobbyists or performers with 'day jobs'.

Interstate acts: Artists might like to consider their base fee and then add travelling costs to arrive at a figure.

International acts: Fees are negotiable, but in general, the offered fee is dependent on the number of artists in the act, suitability and appeal to the festival. The festival does not provide airfares. Artists are responsible for arranging their own visas and transport to and from the airport. Ground travel from Hobart to Cygnet is provided.

Requested Fee *

Support Material

We prefer auditioning by streaming sources such as Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud, or Facebook Artist Pages etc – especially Youtube!

If your act is accepted, your website and Youtube channel will be included in the Festival website.

To enter a streaming source, browse to the source and copy the weblink URL directly from your browser so that we can simply click on it to view it.




If you have YouTube videos, please create a playlist of your audition material and copy/paste that link into the field below.

Do not expect our selectors to search for your content!



If you have Spotify audio tracks, please create a playlist of your audition material and copy/paste that link into the field below.

Do not expect our selectors to search for your content!



If you have Soundcloud audio tracks, please create a playlist of your audition material and copy/paste that link into the field below.

Do not expect our selectors to search for your content!


This link should be to an official Facebook Page for your act – NOT a personal account!

If you don't have one, leave this field blank.

Facebook Artist Page

Add an additional weblink if not covered above.

Other Link

Please upload an up-to-date photo of your act.

.jpg or .png files only

Please note that the image will not be displayed in your application form, but rest assured, it works reliably and we'll let you know if there are any issues.

Should you be selected, you can update the Act image at any time.

Artist Press Photo

Please select one or more types of performances that your act can provide.

Performance Types *
General Concert
Themed Concert
Children's Themed Act
Children's Workshop
Dance Show
Procession/Roving Show
Other (street theatre, puppetry, visual art, etc)
Performance Other - Title

If you only offer a general concert, DO NOT complete this section.

Click on the + Add another to add additional types of performances on offer.

Please enter the name of the performance.

Please enter a brief description of the performance, including relevant details such as age group for children's shows, ability levels for workshops, callers for dances, etc

Performance Other - Description

Please enter performance duration in minutes.

Performance Other - Duration
Add another (Max 4)

Are you offering a children's themed concert or workshop?

If so, you will be required to provide current Registration to Work with Vulnerable People details after contracting.


Public Liability Insurance

The Festival's public liability insurance requires that all members of a paid act must be covered by either an “act” policy that clearly states that all members of the act are covered or each member must have their own insurance cover.

If your act is selected, we will ask for your PLI uploads in early November you must forward proof of public liability insurance as part of the contract conditions. The minimum required level of indemnity for any one occurrence is AUD$20,000,000.

The Certificate of Public Liability Insurance MUST explicitly state the name of the act or performers covered and that it covers public performance activities. If you are offering a workshop, it must state that it also covers this activity. A business policy that does not explicitly cover performance will not be accepted.

If a performance fee is requested, I understand and accept that every member of the act will be required to have public liability insurance cover with a minimum level of indemnity for any one occurrence of AUD$20,000,000.

Public Liability *

As the primary contact and/or act representative, I confirm that:

I am responsible for supplying all act information.

I confirm the act will be available to perform over the entire Festival weekend from 6 pm Friday 9 January to 11 pm Sunday 11 January 2026, including possible selection to perform in the Sunday night Director's Concert & Cabaret.

I have read and accept the terms & conditions as stated in the Performer Guidelines & Information, which can be viewed HERE

Acceptance *

Please be patient once you've clicked the SUBMIT button.

The data is sent immediately, but depending on your connection, the response in your browser may be delayed. Clicking SUBMIT a second time will create another application.